Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Got life?
So my uni life-to-be is finally being hammered into some sort of shape and form. Today I spent about 2 and a half hours sitting in a room at the uni and listening to the description of what it actually is that I'm going to study and how it is supposed to work. There's still not too much finalty in the whole thing though; I do hope that things are being 80% sorted when I'm done with my first year...
Anyways. So I'll be taking modules, and the first year (=2 semesters) is the same regardless of which direction I want to take, apart from having to choose my first language. After today's info meeting though, I'm not sure anymore if I really want to go for Chinese as first and Arabian as second language; Chinese/Japanese, Japanese/Chinese or even Japanese/Arabian sound like great choices too.
Damn you, info meeting!

Anyways. Being out there today (and interacting with other human species for the first time since Friday) showed me that there are indeed quite a couple of hot girls in the city of Bonn. And quite a good percentage of them seems to be in my semester. Yay me!
