Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Monday, July 19, 2004

Took me long enough!
So I've been away most of the last week, and still I didn't write anything regarding results of my appartment-hunt in Bonn.
The first trip, last Tuesday to Wednesday, was rather disappointing regarding any places to live at. I only had 1 appointment, and when I arrived there, I got told that the appartment had been given away already. I briefly wondered why that girl had forgotten about having my mobile's number, but oh well, bad luck I guess.
I met with Quug (SB) and we spent some quality time with each other; he showed me around in Bonn and it was one of the best afternoons I had had in weeks.
On Wednesday I went to Annie's place at the far end of this planet. We last met some odd 3-4 years ago, and it was really good to see her again and dwell in some "back then it was all better" memories of our collective boarding-school times. We didn't get drunk though (as originally "planned"), since she had to be sober for some more driving lessons the next morning and I wasn't feeling like getting wasted anyways...
I'm looking forward to meet with her again once she's settled in Brussels.
I returned home on Thursday with some more appointments scheduled on Friday and Saturday (great timing) to finish the rather boring and stressful train-trip with a nice evening with HF who has by now departed to Arequipa, Peru for some 6-8 months of work with disabled children, only to get in an argument with her via ICQ that ended up with us "shouting" at each other and me not going to her little party. My mood was rather bad that night, as you might have guessed.
Friday was one hell of a lot of stress. After leaving for Bonn again at 0830 and arriving at 1410, my first appointment was at 1430 and pretty far out of the city part, with following appointments ever 30 minutes after the first until 1700. Basically I was moving through Bonn with my trekking-backpack still being carried around and in quite a rush too, must've looked rather odd.
The appartments and rooms I checked out were mostly pretty good, and only last night I called one of the people to tell them I'd go for their room if they wanted me.
I'll know how they decided by tomorrow, wish me luck, it's a really nice living community (if that's properly translated) and the room features large windows and an amazing 20 square-meters balcony, which is more like a terrace on top of a garage, and all that for only 260 Euro!
And now ... ta-taa.