Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Time to straighten up
Lately, my life's been rather ... 'disorganized', to put it the good way. Today, however, I started to change that; and since I know myself good enough, I didn't try to change it all at once for starters, but tried a new way: one step at a time.
Today's step involved:
  • shaving (and boy, that was over-due! I started to look like Mr Crusoe, I did!)
  • taking a long, hot shower (that felt even better than shaving =])
  • calling the local indoor-climbing location to get info on whether or not they want/need/take interns
  • going out to see a movie with a friend

Unfortunately, the guy responsible for internships wasn't available, so I left my number and told them I'd call again. They didn't call back, so I'll call again tomorrow.
It feels good to start getting a grip on my life again. This week's overall goal is to re-gain a bio-rhythm that can be considered "normal", which includes getting up no later than 0900 and going to bed no later than 0100. I failed today, but that was mainly due to crappy bus schedules that delayed my arrival back home by almost an hour and a half. (Poor excuse, I know.)
Also, I decided to cut back on the time I spend playing EVE Online, since that is one of the things that's making me so lethargic. I've been sitting in front of that game way too much in the past 2-3 weeks, and it's been doing me no good.

This all said, I'll now embrace my cozy bed. ;]