Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Monday, October 10, 2005

Oh look: a new entry!
After a hazardous month of...

  • reading up on Asian history like a madman (revised the entire semester in 3 weeks)
  • taking the exam on Asian history
  • moving out of my old place
  • moving into my new place

    ...I finally am 'home'; whatever that means.

    Mid of September featured a change of plans in regards to the last re-sit date of my Asian History exam (which was re-scheduled from end of February 2006 to Sept 30 2005), so just in time for me moving out of my old place, I had to start living at the library and revise all those tedious historical details on the Muslim states, buddhism and the rise and fall of the kings in Tibet, the Mongolians and what I came to call "their family values" tour through central asia and the various Chinese dynasties and Japanese eras.
    And as if roughly 3 weeks for revising all that wasn't bad enough by itself, the exam was also my last possibility to keep this direction of studies; failing this exam means being expelled from University and having to find a new (and unrelated) subject. Exam results have still to be published, but I'm somewhat confident that I passed, seeing how I spent between 5 and 10 hours a day at the library reading up on all the stuff...

    In the meantime, while revising asian history, I started to move out of my old place, and it wouldn't have been my life if it didn't feature a series of complicated stalling moves that kept me from moving into my new place until 2 days ago!
    After moving my stuff into the cellar of my new place (and a promise by JT, the former inhabitant, that he'd be done moving out by Sept 30th latest), I pretty much was without a place to sleep. No more bed at my old place, no bed yet at my new place.
    JT is a bit of a slacker lazy turd who's working 12 hours a day and who still wouldn't have moved his stuff out of this flat if it hadn't been for me threatening with our landlord.
    Good thing I got a good friend living in Bonn, and thank Heavens he's still pretty much living at his girlfriend's place! So I packed the few things I had left out of the carton boxes along with the books and photocopies I needed for the history revision and moved in at his place; which basically means (1) I left his place in the morning, went to the library, sat there all day long, returned 'home' and pretty much instantly fell asleep. Go to (1). Repeat for almost 3 weeks.

    All things have to come to an end though, and I finally kicked him out 2 days ago and started inhabiting this place after all. Today I'll go buy the last parts to complete my shelves and start filling them and then I'll have moved in, and can then begin to settle in, which shouldn't take longer than a few weeks; and hooray, just in time for the beginning of a new semester. Timing is everything...

    The new semester will feature me repeating my Chinese I class as well as taking Japanese I classes in addition; given that I actually did pass that exam. If that's not the case ... well, I guess I'll have to improvise and do something else, but I'm not much for painting that black lately.

    And now I should be leaving, got a good load of things to do today and so little time to get it done!
