Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Monday, October 17, 2005

University? [ ] Yes [ ] No [x] Maybe(?)
I still have no news regarding the history exam I had on Sept 30th, and today is the official start of the new semester. I'll have to pick my new classes later today (in just a couple of hours, as a matter of fact) and I still don't know whether or not I'll be continuing this subject or not. You've got to love the fast ways of bureaucracy...

Last Thursday featured me and some mates from the students association playing tourguides for the new first-semester students. It was quite some fun, even more so because one of the girls was hitting on me like there'd be no tomorrow. I was actually speechless, but then, what are you supposed to answer to 'dares' like "hey I heard you'll provide escort after the pub-tour tomorrow night, can I book you?"?!
Too bad I couldn't be there for the pub-tour, as I was spending some quality time with my family back home at my parents' place on Friday and Saturday...
Thursday also featured a short visit by NH, who finally managed to drop by in this wonderful city; took us a bit more than a year, but we finally made it and we had a ball of a time drinking cocktails and talking about pretty much everything and then some more.

The job at the pub is gathering speed again, as more and more people are being driven inside again with the temperatures dropping and I've had quite a busy weekend and earned some nice money again. I just hope it continues to be like this, it's so much better than standing around bored while desperately trying to not fall asleep on the 5 customers you have throughout the entire evening.

Anyways, time for bed, alarm'll be ringing at 0700 as I need to get some uni-related things figured out, both for me and some other people who're depending on my help as member of the student association.
Can't wait for having something to do finally again!
