Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Swamped and stuff
At the moment, I'm being completely swamped by work.
Last week featured the cellphone testing (see last blog entry), and my older brother needing help with his newly acquired 15" Apple Powerbook G4, this week features a huge paint-job in Düsseldorf, where a whole story of bureaus needs to be renovated for €11/hour.
Add a current bad habit of insomnia and you have one worn-out Captain, who's been trying to establish a working physical relationship with one of his female collegues from the bar (the girl+me thing mentioned two posts ago), which started out Saturday before last and seems to be still on, although hardly anything has happened since then due to the workload. Tonight's attempt was spoilt by a couple of regulars staying late at the bar, thus disabling me to get some time alone with her. Ah well...

On a more technical note: after setting up my brother's Powerbook, I've seriously started considering switching, but some time will pass before I'll be able to afford one of those Apple beauties. They are nice though, mind you!

Seeing how it's past 0130 already again and considering I have to get up at 0700 for another 11-hours-workday full of painting bureau walls, I'm heading off and trying to find some zzz's.
