Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Saturday, August 23, 2003
Bye peeps, 'm off for yet another week of holiday, this time in Denmark. Back next Saturday/Sunday.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

He hath returned
I safely returned from Canada. My suitcase didn't. It got stuck somewhere between Toronto, London and Frankfurt Airport, but I'd think that it's more likely to be stuck between the latter two, even though that may sound like wishful thinking.
Saturday, which is only a bit more than 1 day away, will bring Denmark-ness with it, and I definately, definately need my stuff until then! Not only because of my clothes being stuck in there (they could do with a wash before being taken to .dk) but even more importantly because of all those small presents I brought!! OH MY GOD!!
Uhm. Yeh. Well, anyways, I'd appreciate if British Airways would manage to get my stuff to me in time...

Monday, August 18, 2003

American Wedding an absolutely clichée, romantic movie spiced up with the usual American Pie jokes. It's awesome. I admit that I've actually been moved by it.

Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast
I've been playing chess today with R's dad - been playing again for the first time in ages - and we played speedrounds of 5 minutes. I found that I am way too much out of training, I'm making absolute newbie mistakes and that is pretty obvious in a speedround. Note of the day: practice chess every now and then!

D arrived last night, and he's cool. Glad I got the chance to meet him, now I finally got a person to the IRC nick! So far I know 5 out of 7 from YHQ*, so a trip to both the UK and Norway should be due within the next year. That would make me the first person to know them all in real life!

Later tonight I'll see American Wedding (third part of that American Pie thingy). It obviously contains "coarse language, crude and sexual content" ... I'm expecting a good movie!

*YHQ's a net community that evolved out of a Planetarion alliance.

Saturday, August 16, 2003

Good night
I've had a great day, spending money on useless things like giant plastic spiders at the local Dollarama and then having dinner at R's grandma's house, where chances were rather high to die of laughter. Hi-la-rious. I've not had that much fun at one single night for a loooong time. This trip is even more worth it every day!
We ended with playing a few rounds of Mario Party where I kept losing, but oh well, it was fun (and if all else fails, just make fun of that stupid computer player, heh!!)...
And now ... bed time.

PS: Tomorrow is D-day. The rest of my stay is going to even more rock, I believe! How could it not, after all, I'm meeting another guy I've "known" for ... well ... years I guess without ever meeting him. Funny how it takes a guy from Germany and one from the UK to meet in Canada. Heh.

Friday, August 15, 2003

Polly wants cookie!
I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean tonight, and I have to say it's a great movie. Even more so because pirate movies were said to be old hats. It really is worth the money and you bet I'll be seeing that one again (even though I admit that's partially because they were all speaking so un-understandably, ahem); the animations were great, the story is good (even though anyone who ever read pirate stories in their youth will obviously know it) and the actors are awesome! Johnny Depp as a slightly ... crazy? weird? probably both ... pirate, Orlando Bloom as son of a pirate (without knowing it at first) and Keira Knightley as the lovely daughter of the local Guv'ner - and they all got to play actual characters!
Oh and by the way ... don't leave when the credits start; wait until they're over for a little bonus...

Power outage ... or maybe not?
Well, it seems that quite a portion of the Eastern Seaboard is without power at the moment. In fact, earlier today, around 4 pm local (Canadian) time the power went out here, too. But apparently it came back on ... or else I wouldn't be posting, right? ;)
Well, anyways, NY and other cities are obviously not as priviledged as we are over here in Simcoe. They're stuck in subways, their planes are not allowed to take off (or land, even though I do wonder what they'll do once they ran outta fuel??!) and - evil, evil - air conditioning ain't working!!!
Maybe Simcoe's just too important to be cut off? Who is to tell?! Not me, for sure... ;)

Edit (01-09-04): Someone could've mentioned my typo ('quote' instead of 'quite'), thanks. ;)

Thursday, August 14, 2003

To all those...
...who thought Oakley is only good for sunglasses ... think again! Those clearly rock - and they're all mine!! Muahahahhahahaha.

Erm. Well. They do rock though...

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I made it!!
I finally am in Canada! WOW! No plain-crashes, no hi-jackings, everything went rather smooth - except for a 40-minutes-delay, but oh well...
Rosa's awesome, her mum just the same, I can't wait to meet D on the weekend, this is so going to be a fun stay!!

Greetings to the rest of the world and all those I can't talk to on IRC&ICQ these days due to the time differences!

Monday, August 11, 2003

Leaving on a jetplane...
Right. So here I go. 5 hours of sleep and then I'll head for Frankfurt Airport, from there to London and then off I go towards Toronto.
Wish you all a good time, I'll hit you back in 10 days -- or maybe even later, depending on whether I get to blog between returning from Canada and leaving for Denmark. Ta-daa.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Internet vampirism
So, I guess every child of the internet knows eDonkey, eMule, Kazaa and all those funny p2p fileshare-networks with gazillions of holes and viruses on every second file. I'm glad I don't have to rely on those anymore, since I found AllofMP3.
It's not for free, but with roughly 1 US-Cent per downloaded MB at best quality (online encoding up to 384 kpbs) and virtually no waiting period I daresay it's the best there is.
Having paid $50 at mid-June, I just found myself face to face with a balance of remaining $18 -- that's 3.2GB in roughly 14 days, as I could only download on weekends (due to army). And I wasn't even home on all weekends! I think I should be glad that there's army, otherwise my 5gig traffic-restriction would be used up in no time...

And so it begins...
Earlier this night our dog was hit by a train. Fortunately, our dog's pretty quick and managed to almost dodge the train, but still, she's limping with both rear legs now and crying every few moments. Poor thing. It seems, though, that no 'really bad' damage has been done, even though it's a pitiful thing to watch...
And of course this happens just when my dad, who's a vet, is in South France, on holidays. Called him today and he told me where to get some pain-dampening medicine for her, but she's still far from fine.

Damn you, Murphy!

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Finally! 4 weeks off-duty. 10 days in Canada, a week in Denmark and nothing but idling ahead of me. I'm still somewhat curious about whether the things won't happen as planned or not.
- the plane'll get hijacked on the way to Canada (oh that would be fun!!)
- it'll crash shortly before it reaches the English coast on the flight back (do they have parachutes these days? Or is it still the lifeguard vest thingies? Parachutes would clearly rock, hehe!)
- there'll be hours and hours of traffic jam on the way to Denmark
- the entire week will be rain-only
- I'll manage to break my leg in my last week of holidays, preventing me from going on the parachute training in late September

Murphy, here I come. :)