Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

It's been a while...
More than a month's time has passed since I last fed you some boring parts of my ever-boring life. Guess what? Not much has changed.
There were a couple of people from the best online community ever (hirr) visiting my town and we spent quite some quality time; got wasted on Friday night at the pub I work at, had a barbecue on Saturday and went to an Irish pub afterwards - only slowly recovering from a pretty bad hangover from Friday's brain massacre made me stick to non-alcoholic drinks - and played some Risk (Lord of the Ring version) and Munchkin on Sunday, enjoying the current Spring-induced warmth and sunny weather on our balcony for the first time this year.

I left to my parents' place on Monday, have to sort-of babysit my younger brother and make him get up in the morning so he doesn't miss out on school while my parents are off to a well-earned 1-week trip to Turkey. So now I'm stuck with a 56k dial-up connection and a place at the ass-end of nowhere. At least my parents left me the car, so I'm mobile if I can afford the gas...

Uni sent me a letter that says I'll be allowed in the history classes for the next semester despite failing the exam, so a lot of the pressure I put myself into has gone. I'm still re-reading all the history summaries like mad, but it's quite a bit easier now that I know a fail won't throw me back an entire year. I'll so not let this happen again, it's way too much stress and definately not good for the overall vibes. And I damned well will go and take some time-out next semester break instead of staying put and having to learn!

Anyways. Time's flying and I gotta get up again in roughly 7 hours already. Until next time.