Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Pulling myself together
After an absolutely horribe morning and early afternoon with a mood to kill anyone only thinking of coming near me, I had a long-ish ICQ convo with FL which, despite not really being on-topic, helped to right some wrongs in my head.
I'm not happy - far from it, actually - but I feel prepared enough to endure another evening of madness in the company of both her and SB; and I feel prepared for the coming week of uni, including badly-needed revision of the more recent vocabulary (read: that of the past week).

I'm thinking of a trip to Brussels some time in the next 2-3 weeks, maybe one to Maastricht as well.
The heating system's working again. I cleaned my room up a bit, lit some candles, and I'm still listening to David Gray, Portishead and Massive Attack. A large pot of hot tea awaits to please me, and I had some food today, although it wasn't as much as I should've had I guess. I'm feeling a bit more in balance again.

And I'm fully alert. So bring it on, Murphy, this is your chance for a good fight!

Out of the Frying-pan into the fire
I finally managed to get my senses together a bit. That's the good news. The bad news is: it might eventually cost me a friendship or two.

I should really know by now that befriending women is just not what I should be doing. It never worked in the past couple of years. Not since 12th grade, anyways, and back then, it wasn't my "fault" that it worked either.

Tonight is one of those nights where I wished the entire world would just come to an end and die silently, while I keep sitting here, listening to the melancholic tunes of Portishead's "Roads" or Massive Attack's "Teardrop".

God, I'm sulking. Despicable...

Monday, October 25, 2004

Murphy's Restatement and O'Toole's comment
"Everything goes wrong at the same time."

"Murphy was an optimist."

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Not. Enough. Time!
I'm sorry for my lack of updates.
I've managed to get myself eternally wasted on Friday night with SB and FL, with a total lack of hangover yesterday, and we managed to watch the first 3 movies of the Alien series. Alien: Resurrection is scheduled for tonight, and most likely another braincell-massacre, we'll see about that.
Apart from that, uni's still nagging on my nerve ends, but I'm fighting back hard! I'll try to keep a proper regular update again, keeps me off freaking out over uni and keeps me away from too much revision and preparation.
My financial abyss seems to blur a bit finally, too, with monetary infusions coming up shortly.

Now if I didn't fuck up things on a personal RL level so much I could be considered being alright. Hi Murphy.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Oh the irony!
Having complained last night about having to put less stress on myself, I overslept today and only awoke because my mobile's vibration kicked in and made it drop out of the shelf. On my head. Good thing FL decided to send me a message asking where I'd be...
I made it to the uni in 12 minutes by bike (busses need 15!), but my legs transformed into jelly shortly after I had sat down. Still, I arrived 30 minutes late, but since I'm a lucky SOAB the list on which we have to put our names down had to be signed at the end of the lessons, instead of at the beginning, which would've been the usual procedure.

Now I'll have to sweet-talk my legs into supporting Capoeira training later today, and my brain into looking forward to the "Research&Presentation" lesson I'll have to attend from 16-18h.

Oh, and breakfast would be a good idea...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Sucks to be not myself
I've never, not in my entire life, hyped myself into a learning frenzy as much as I did lately. I now know why: it doesn't do me any good. I'm freaking out because of 5 or 6 Chinese signs I keep forgetting; considering that we only had 6 lessons of Chinese so far and already learned a total of about 40 signs plus numbers from 1-10, 5-6 is like .. nothing!
Still, it completely brought me down today. I'll have to try hard to get away from that "I gotta learn more, I'll fall behind and be left behind" pattern, it wrecks me. It makes me feel completely out of touch with myself. That's not me. I've never cared about learning, nor about falling behind. I always fell behind, and I always caught up in no time. So why am I driving myself slowly insane like this? It sucks big time, I know about it, and still I'm not really getting off it; I'm having a bad conscience over learning only 1 hour a day instead of 2-3. For fuck's sake!! I. Ain't. Like. That!
If only telling myself that over and over again worked...

I'm really glad I got some sports activities thanks to uni though, namely Capoeira and Pencak Silat. Both are great fun and I'm really enjoying it. It's good to get my head out of my own ass, too: after Silat training this afternoon, I felt pretty much refreshed.
I shouldn't have tried revising my vocabulary again, and maybe this day wouldn't suck so much.

Ah, what the hell, I'll get myself into my comfy bed and sleep it all over. Tomorrow's Friday, might go and party again. I damn well need a good party. *sigh*

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Wo jiào TC. Wo xuéxí Hànyu, ni ne?
I wish all of my chinese vocabulary and especially the writing was as easy as remembering those two sentences. I'm falling behind with my knowledge in writing. It's so much easier to remember the pinyin (writing with latin letters) than the actual chinese writing (hànzì). It's exactly what I wanted to not happen and I'll have to work hard now to counter-learn the current wave of convenience.

In regards to last weekend: it was some great fun indeed. Partied until 4 in the morning on Friday night (well, SAT morning), fell asleep around 0630. Got up again at 3 in the afternoon, enjoyed the incredibly nice weather while taking the dog for a 2-hours-walk.
After meeting one of my best friends (if not my best friend), NH, who left for .nz last night, I went back to my home club and partied again. I had to surrender around 2 on SUN morning though, sleeping pattern was taking its toll.
I did meet VR on both nights and we had a bit of good time with each other though.

Since then, I've been suffering from partially self-induced sleep deprivation, long nights of chatting and having fun with SB, who's been here the past two nights and we had some great laughs.
To my annoyance I realized today that I'm starting to have gaps in my memorized vocabulary; hence the introduction above.

And that's why I'll leave this blog be for now and continue trying to learn writing and the vocabulary!

P.S: Japanese lessons didn't work out. Good thing though, more time for Chinese. Off to work!

Friday, October 15, 2004

Ni hao ma? Wo hen hao.
I am indeed learning Chinese, and I'm learning it quite fast-paced! We've had a total of 3 lessons so far (90 minutes per lesson) and we're already at about 30 signs plus the numbers from 1-10. And I know them all by heart already! I'm such a winner! :)
I played around with my schedule after initial Chinese learning sessions, and I'm not going to take Russian, Albanian and Katalan in addition to my Chinese classes after all. Current plans involve taking additional Japanese classes though, but I still have to have a chat with the respective professors whether or not I can actually take them, as Japanese classes are pretty crowded this semester apparently.

I just noticed that I didn't mention FL yet, a really fun girl who's sharing all classes with me. She's hot, too, but I don't think I'll try anything in that department; she's got a boyfriend too, so chances would be that it all ends in a major fuckup if I tried.
And quite frankly, I don't have time for a girl at the moment anyways, got quite some work with revising Chinese and learning vocabulary already, and if those additional Japanese classes work out ... well, to say I'll be busy then would be an understatement.
It's only been the first week of classes! It feels so much longer ago that it all started.

Anyways. I'll be going home to my parents' place this afternoon and I'll have some great fun at my club tonight. I even might get myself totally wasted, I'll see about that later.
Also, this is going to be the last trip home for a longer period I guess, so things should go rather smooth with the rest of the family as well. See you all on Sunday night or some other time!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

24/7?? Not enough!!
Seriously, 24 hours a day is just not enough. All of a sudden, I don't have time anymore to keep up with all my geek-stuff!
Been hardly playing EVE-Online in the past couple of days (usually hour/day at least), hardly chatted via IM/IRC, even keep forgetting to check for emails!
Not to mention that I just don't have the time to idle decently!

Seriously, real life is taking its toll on me. Which reminds me: I still gotta check out some Chinese vocabulary. Guess I'll have to do that on the bus tomorrow morning...

Off to bed, have a good time and don't expect too regular posts anymore.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Enter: classes
It's that time finally: uni really is starting, with classes and all that.
Had to get up at 7 this morning, had to sign up for my Chinese language course. Signups were supposed to open at 9, I was 25 minutes early - but there were about 30 people already waiting when I arrived. I wonder if they camped the bureau or something, some didn't look too fresh at all...
If anyone's interested in an overview on my classes, courses and sports, here it is.
As you might notice when having a look at it, I'm also intending to take a course in Russian, Albanian and Catalan; I'll see if I can cope with the workload once everything has started and I'm some weeks into uni every-day-life, if it happens to mess with my mandatory courses and the preparation for those I'll just drop (some of) them again, I guess.

I'm really looking forward to Capoeira and Pencak Silat, I've been wanting to train those for literally years, and I'm looking forward to training Aikido again!! Finally something to train again!!

Anyways. Gotta get back to uni, time for some introduction to recent and modern Chinese history...

Saturday, October 09, 2004

And then there was Uni life...
Oh. My. God!
I think I've not been this drunk in almost a year. There's this nifty Russian pub over here, and it serves bloody awesome Czech beer and Finnish vodka!
Zzz, who's still staying at my place, is already sleeping. I think I'll follow any second. Just thought I'd let you know that I had a great day, a great evening and a great night...

Until after the headache!

Friday, October 08, 2004

Fun, fun, fun
So I was at Zzz's place, we had a fun night involving lots of computer gaming and some Czech schnapps (instead of vodka or whiskey) and since it was quite nice to meet again and talk and all that stuff, I invited him over to my place right off the spot.
Today was spent on a first-semester city-ralley which involved SB as our leading "uni spokesperson" and some nice cooking afterwards at my place, again involving SB.
Also met a nice girl I'll be studying Chinese with (I am going for Chinese after all) and built a good base for the first "real" uni friendship.
After a failed attempt on finding the only movie theatre here that plays "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" Zzz and I had a nice evening at a local tapas bar with a cocktail and some good food.
And now I'd better get to bed, I'll sleep like a baby, been up since 8 in the morning (so not used to that) and walking all day, it's a miracle I'm not asleep already.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Off to Zzz and a night of whiskey and vodka. The horror! The horror!
Expect stories of 2 drunkards some time during the next 2 days .. or whenever I'll feel sober enough enough to post, anyways.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Despite all indications...
...I'm not growing old after all. I've had so much party and so little sleep in the past 5 days, it's amazing I'm still able to coordinate brain, eyes and fingers to get the typing done.
After that grand night last Wednesday, I had an even better party on Friday night; that was after about 8 hours of pain(t) and before a pretty sore back. We stayed until the lights went on, and had quite some fun at the local McDonalds afterwards. Yes, McD, despite me hating that place and its ... 'food'.
After some more rummaging in favor of my sister and her new place (hauling couches, yay) we started off to my uncle's 50th birthday party, and all the family was there. In my family's case, that's nothing bad, there's loads and loads of cousins in my age and a bit above/below, so plenty of fun is guaranteed on nearly every family fest we're having. Went to bed around 0330 that night/morning...

And now I'm back at my place.
Had great fun with SB last night, watched Chronicles of Riddick, a fun and entertaining movie. I absolutely love Vin Diesel's voice by the way.

Tomorrow I'll go visit Zzz at his place (thank Heaven for my student ticket!) and on Wednesday, I'll see how fun it will be .. more to come. ;)

Friday, October 01, 2004

Post Scriptum
The callcenter dudes reached me yesterday. They needed someone to work late shifts (1700-2100) 4 days a week. I already know that I'll be sitting in some Asian class 3 nights a week, so there goes my job.
Back to searching, maybe I can do bike courier jobs. I'll get back to you once I got some more options...

My home is my .. whatever
So I've actually been home for almost a week now. That's 7 days of little brother, mom and dad around me, 7 days of "hey, since you don't have anything to do anyways, couldn't you...", 7 days of hardly leaving the house.
Seriously, I wonder why I had to come home for a whole week, other than not having to prepare my own food - but then again, I had to prepare food here, and it was for 4 people instead of for me and maybe my flatmates; go figure.
I didn't do much in the past week: went to my local club on Friday, met with quite a load of people there, even though I had planned to meet just 2 friends there. It was quite a nice re-union and I stayed until 0200 or somewhere around that time. I managed all the stuff regarding my finances on Monday and Tuesday - but my mobile's still silent and blocked, so I gotta call the provider tomorrow. I also called all the official places and informed them about my new address on Monday.
I tried to go to the movies and watch "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" but the theatre had already closed down when I arrived, despite the movie being supposed to be shown starting 10 minutes before I arrived. Sweet, sweet home town...
Since I couldn't go and watch some good splatter movie, I decided to pay my local club another visit and I couldn't have made a better choice. I had what you could call "quality time" there and arrived back home early in the morning, around 0430. Yes, I did sleep into the late afternoon and it felt really good.
Last night I went to see "Man on Fire", a good movie, with a decent plot, great camera work and nice cuts.

Tomorrow - or rather: today, later, in a couple of hours - I'll have to help my sister moving her stuff to a new place, which includes paint, walls, ceilings and moving couches from 3rd floor to basement and back up to 1st floor. At least the staircases are broad enough ... at the 3rd floor place at least.
Tomorrow night I'll hopefully meet with a good friend of mine, and I'll have some more quality time at my local club.
And then .. it's time to move to a family fest and afterwards back to my place. Can't wait. The silence. Freedom. At last again!