Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Friday, November 19, 2004

A reminder to us all
And so we dwell on our misery day after day, always forgetting that after each thunderstorm there's a sunny day again. Not remembering that the downs on the rollercoaster that is life mostly are what shape us and enable us to cope with just about everything and another looping.

Because no matter what, there always is someone willing to listen, willing to offer comforting shelter, someone able to handle our situation a way barred to us by our own mind, someone able to dissect the problems, cut them into nice and tiny bits that we are able to chew on without choking; a friend.
You think your life is Hell, and it's getting worse by the days? Then remember to smile, because if tomorrow will be worse, today's a good day.
Sure, Murphy's learnt his tricks well. That doesn't make it anything but tricks though, and cheap ones at that. There is no problem without solution, there's just the wrong perspective to the problem. You're out of options? Wrong perspective; you're not looking at it from the right angle; you're not asking for your friends' views; you're not making use of all your options. Your friend has a date with Murphy himself? So go along, make it a threesome, those are said to be more fun anyways. See what Murphy has in stock for your friend, compare. Nobody ever said you'd have to fight fair.

Don't want your neighbors to drop by and yell at you for the loud music? Use headphones! That keeps you from answering the phone too, because you don't want that anyway.
Your memory cells keep booting with that old crappy version from yesterday? Go get an update, call your friend, whine, listen to him whine, exchange the needed patches. Empty fridges are best ignored, and leeching off your friend's food is an absolutely okay thing; after all, he's making you cook for him every now and then too and even the Romans knew: quid pro quo is the way to go.

So you get up, mentally shaking your fist at Murphy while you're smiling inward, reminding yourself that there's still a warm meal and a good talk out there, at your friend's place.

P.S: I feel good, shalalalalalala...

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I feel good
What started out as a totally crappy day turned into a full-blown endorphine high just shortly before the day was over. I'm all the way up there ... and I pity those that will have to live with my current state in the times ahead.
More info to follow, have a great time everyone!

Friday, November 12, 2004

Time flies by
Incredibly enough, it's been almost a week without a post, and it's been 5 days by now that I'm back from Belgium and Annie - and I didn't tell you!!

Well, what can I say? It's been a busy week so far. I know, I know, lame excuse and all that. But seriously, it was and I've been one busy drone:
  • worked on the piled-up vocabulary that I didn't revise the past 2 weeks;
  • started organizing the Christmas party for the Chinese department;
  • got involved into student council/representation stuff
  • managed to eat and sleep in-between!

There. See?

Anyways. Brussels. Brussels was great fun! The most relaxing time I've had in months, and I'm not exaggerating! It felt good to just be slacking off all day, doing pretty much nothing except for some food-&clothes-shopping, eating and, well, slacking.
Annie cooked some grand Curry on Saturday night, and Jay from spent the evening with us; one great re-union after some odd 5 years or so since I last saw him. The three of us went to see "The girl next door" Saturday night, a surprisingly good and funny movie, and Annie and I went for some indoor-climbing on Sunday before I had to go back to my place again.
I seriously hope I'll be getting some sort of job soonish, I'd love to spend one weekend a month in Brussels, just because it felt so good to be there!

I'll have a guest over the weekend, and I'm really looking forward to that visit!

And now: ta-taa. Time to sleep!

P.S: 6d 12h since my last post!

Friday, November 05, 2004

Brussels, here I come!
Well, almost. Capoeira and another boring session of "research and presentation", good thing I got a good book to read!
But after that ... I'll be heading straight to Brussels and have a good weekend! It will most definately include Belgian fries and I was ordered to bring some chocolate and waffles, so I'll have some myself too. It will most hopefully include a fun afternoon of freeclimbing. Now let's see if the weather plays along; if it does, I'll finally have a real "time off" after all!
Back on Sunday, have a good time everyone and remember: smile, tomorrow will be worse.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Uni at last, salvation at last!
I'd never have thought that entering a hall of education would make me feel so good, but it did today for sure! Chinese lesson was fun as usual, the prof's just awesome, and she's so enthusiastic that you can't help but pay attention!
Even the usually boring History of South- and West-Asia (commonly known as India and the Arabian region) was comparably interesting, we had a change of professors there and the new one doesn't sound like Willi from Biene Maja (most likely only known to German readers) and seems to know what he's talking about without reading it off his sheets. In fact, I believe he didn't even have any notes with him, and still it was pretty good!
Went to shop for some purse/bag with FL today (present for her mom) and had some good time listening to her. Seems a loss of friendship ain't imminent after all, and strangely enough we're getting along better again now, after this totally borked weekend.
And, most importantly, I finally took the time to spend some time with my vocabulary!

Oh, and I bought some Chinese instant noodle-soups. Good stuff, didn't realize how much I missed those in the years since boarding-school until I had 3 of them in a row this evening!

Murphy 182:0 Me
One of these centuries, I might maybe learn to just keep my cheeky mouth shut.
Last night was .. weird .. with FL and SB over again. Both arrived in a somewhat pissed off mood, both somewhat pissed off about one another, too. It evaporated rather quickly. It's amazing, what just the presence of a person can do to one's mood, in this case first to their moods, then to mine.
The evening ended in them sleeping in my bed and me on the couch (voluntarily; don't ask me why, I couldn't possibly tell you...), and in their moods being fine and mine dropping again.
After pretending to have a good time until first SB, then FL had left, it was Murphy's time again tonight.

I went to bed very early - around 1700 - because the night on the couch hadn't been too comfortable at all. I woke up at around midnight after a comparably disturbing dream about AR.
Anyone remember her? The girl that went to Portland without so much as a word and who never really bothered to drop me a word in the 3 months since she's been there, despite us having gotten along so nicely before?
You can imagine how surprised I was at me dreaming about her. So I decided to get up again (I'd had about 7 hours of sleep by then already). And what's in my mailbox when I check my emails?
You guessed it, she wrote. Or rather: sent me some pictures from her Halloween party over in Portland.

Although I was sure I'd be well over it, watching her on that pic felt like twisting the knife in the wound. At least I'm not thinking about SB/FL now. Gotta try thinking positive, I guess...