Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Time to move
It's amazing: my brother returned from his 2-weeks holiday trip on Friday, my parents from their trip on Sunday morning. Today, on Tuesday, I would've loved to kill 'em all.
I guess if it wasn't for the total lack of an internet connection at my place in Bonn, I'd have moved there right away instead of following the absolutely stupid and nearly insane notion to stay home for a couple of days.
Now, "all my bags are packed, I'm ready to go" ... and go I shall, right first thing tomorrow morning. I just hope the Deutsche Telekom guys in Bonn ain't as lame and lazy as those in Kassel, I want my connection set up within 10 days max. Hope dies last and all that...

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Back from Belgium
For the first time in my life, and for the last, I spent a week of holidays in a Sunparks holiday resort. It was fun alright, but not due to the park (which was incredibly boring, as I expected); I went there with 5 friends of my exam class, and that was what made it fun.
We made day-trips to both Brussels and Antwerp, visited the Atomium and walked through the cities and behaved like true tourists: making pictures of the pittoresque houses and streets, eating Belgium fries (with mayonaise, ketchup and a good handful of fresh onion! Yummy, to say the least!) and walking around in circles before deciding to get ourselves a city-map.
If it was up to me (and if it wasn't for the lack of money), I'd move to Brussels right away. It's a wonderful old city, yet it's modern, and the people there made a really nice and welcoming impression on me. Alas, I'll have the option to go and visit Annie every now and then, that should compensate nicely.

Now I'm back, and I'll move to my own place once and for all on Monday. Then the hard part of real life starts up again: I'll have to find myself a job and earn some money...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

An attempt at translating poetry
I didn't ask you to stay,
But you stayed.
I never asked
Who you were or what you wanted.
You just were there.

What do you, love, want from me?
Wasn't I much stronger alone?
And did I ever need you?

But stay just a little longer,
Not much.
Just so long until nobody asks:
Hey, how is it?
And so long until I don't don't say:
It's fine.

And everybody sees: you are there.
Since if you ever leave me
Know this - I will come with you.

"An die Liebe", originally in German by Adam Stern

Friday, August 06, 2004

No worries everyone, please! (Re: Shopping for exotic items)
I do understand that my shopping post might have stirred up some worries, and I admit it was kinda careless to just post it like that.
However, there's no need to worry about me.
I did have a couple of bad days, but I finally moved most of my stuff to my new place and the only thing I'm lacking is an internet connection, my parents are on holidays, the little pest that is my younger brother will be gone from Sunday on for a week, I'm leaving for a week of holidays next week's Friday and after that I'll be in my place, so things are comparably well.
So, fear not!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Last visits, moving out and on
I actually went to see A after all again and it was a rather pleasant meeting. We hadn't had much contact in the past 6 weeks or so and I had had the feeling that I was boring her or that she was fed up with me for some reason I couldn't find, but apparently, it was just the combination of a couple of health issues and Uni stress that kept her from dropping/answering SMS.
She seemed genuinely happy to see me again, and we had a fun night with some talking. I had invited her to come to my new place before she's leaving and she didn't comment on that before, but she asked me if she could come over just that night (when nobody else was listening, heh), so I'm happy again.

Since yesterday I was busy with moving my stuff to my new place and guess what: it's done! I returned today, and I only forgot to bring my desk to my new place!
I guess that's what happens if you had planned to move 5 days later than you did actually move and packed everything in a matter of 2 hours and a bit...
Now I'll bring all those small things I forgot and that weren't too important in a second haul, along with the desk and some speakers for my PC and then I'm all settled. Uni life, here I come!