What happen?!
Apparently, someone set up us the bomb.(*)
Summer has hit this part of the country again after all, and it's been hot and sunny for the past 3 days now.
I've very much enjoyed it and was glad to see that I'm not turning to a small pile of ash at the first contact with sunlight after all, but instead got the beginning of what you could call "a nice tan".
Just in time for this insta-summer, I reached my monthly bandwidth cap (5GB), so there really isn't much of the usual geek stuff keeping me inside at the moment. Thanks to a good friend I'm not entirely without net access for stuff like email, ebay and my blog though.
With Annie having successfully moved out of her place in Brussels (and hopefully just as successfully moved into her new place in London), I'm now starting to think about my own move, which is due pretty soon.
The current resident in my flat-to-be wrote me a mail, telling me that he's most likely not going to make it with his moving out to the 15th, but I'm thinking positive; besides, as long as I can drop all the boxes filled with books and the other stuff in the new flat, finding a place to sleep won't be a problem.
I'm absolutely looking forward to moving in there, and I can't wait to have settled in ... and I definitely can't wait for the first party. \o/
However, for now I'll have to get going, I need to return the keys to this place and I need some food ... and then I'll need good ol' sleep.
Good night.