Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Back in town
Riga last night was a blast, the nightlife as mesmerizing as it was promised to be, with an abundance of bars, terraces and nightclubs in the center.
As much fun as I had last night and today when I was walking around, I also couldn't help but notice the glaring difference between the distinct clean and "western" center of the city, where all the nightlife, shopping malls and "places to be" are located, and the gloomy, partially abandoned, sometimes ruined and collapsed houses of suburbia, all with quite a tangible sovjet touch to it. It was quite an experience to see those sharp differences...

In any case, I'll have to go back there again, the city has quite some charme and it deserves more than half a day of walking around with heavy luggage.

But now, I'm off to bed, the office calls again in the morning and I feel quite a bit exhausted.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

There was a young lady of Riga...
Well, from all I can say so far, there are quite a lot of young ladies here, and my-oh-my they're good-looking!

I'm currently staying in a hostel in Riga on my way back to Tampere, and I'm about to get involved with the local nightlife, which is said to be shimmering and enthralling. Wish me luck so I don't run into any problems (I doubt I will, but better be safe etc), I'll report again when I've arrived in Tampere tomorrow night.
