Chaos logs

"Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse."
The Murphy Philosophy

"If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something."

"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
Murphy's Laws

Friday, March 28, 2003

Summertime/and the living is easy
Summer is coming with great speed: 21° Celsius today and it's said to stay that way for the rest of the week and the weekend! If that's not something to look out for, I don't know what else. Well, besides my planned week of holidays from army, 10 days from now, that is...

Hope you're all doing just as fine as I am at the moment, that would make one hell of a happy crowd. Now all that is left is Annie to get back online - I'm seriously missing you on ICQ, and it's getting worse each time I'm online! (I should probably try getting you arrested for addicting me to online-confessions of my most inner secrets or summat -- but then again that would mean to get clean, heh.)

Anyway. Summertime. Rah. \o/

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

About the joys of marriage
Phwoar! That truly was an experience unrivaled so far!
Been to an old friend's marriage - and I can't help but to say: if there can be so much love and luck and happiness within two people, then waiting or searching for "the one" can't be the worst thing; in fact, it only seems too natural to me to.
I wouldn't have thought that I'd ever be so sure of this, but I'm not going to let this pass on me: there shall be a party like no other in my life the day I marry my loved one!

Now I only have to bide my time a bit more. Hope has been renewed immensely, though! My time will come for sure...

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

A story
Staring into the bright light of the candle, he slowly reached for his glass, took a sip, his tongue darting out for a half-melted icecube.
Not paying attention to his surroundings he let both the icecube and the gin-tonic do a walk-around in his mouth before he swallowed the drink and thoughtfully began to crush the ice between his teeth.
It was months ago that he had been in a similar mood as tonight and if it had been his decision it would have been another few months or even years before he had wanted to feel again what he felt now. Hopelessness. Despair. Sadness.
He tried not to fall into the old patterns, tried not to follow the path which would eventually lead into old and well-known depression. But even as he tried to think of something pleasant and happy and cheerful, he couldn't help but to end up with thinking of her - and this resulted in remembering what he thought of as one of the worst mistakes, maybe the worst mistake, in his life; it made him think how he had let her down, how he had betrayed all the trust she had put into him. It made him of the chances he had had - and how he had thrown them it all away.
Realizing the hint of tears in his eyes he blinked a few times and quickly tried to focus on the flame. He grabbed for his glass again bit this time he didn't sip on the gin-tonic but instead drank two deep gulps, feeling the alcohol in the drink run down his throat.
Just having emptied his drink he signaled the bartender to bring him another one, and holding up two fingers he made sure it'd be a double gin-tonic this time.
The speakers hidden in the wall behind him played a song about hope and love, and he couldn't help but to think of a story he had read just recently. It had also been about hope, but not quite as optimistic and positive as the song he was half-way listening to now.
The clue of the story had been that all your life you'd fall for the same bait over and over again, even though it was completely irrational and for most sane people nothing but a dream they wouldn't accept as just that: hope.
Hope, that things would be better tomorrow. Hope, that the sun would be shining on one's life again tomorrow.
But it wasn't. It never was and it never would be. Tomorrow would always be just as bad as today at best; most likely, it would be worse, though, regardless if you tried to do good deeds, help the people you knew or just happened to meet the first time or if you behaved like evil incarnate. It just didn't matter.
Life truly was a bitch and didn't care if you deserved what you got.
'Listen to yourself' he thought, 'you sound as if you were some depressed grandfather who didn't get anything out of life; not as if you were in your early twenties and had lived a rather good life so far.'
He had to smile about his own thoughts, but it was a hard, cynical smile; not the kind of smile that reached up into the eyes, the kind of smile he loved so much about her.
'There she is again' he thought.
He had known that it had really got to him for quite a while already, but every time he fell into this mood it surprised himself again just how much he loved her. So much that the mere thoughts of her kept him going and going and, as much as it made him think, as much as it made him sad, how that made him smile, happy and sad at the same time.
'It's a weird world' he thought to himself.
A soft smile curled up on his lips and he got up and went home. be continued (?)

Monday, March 17, 2003

Does the world make you want to throw up?
Well, apparently it makes my stomach want to throw up. At least I don't have any other clue why I was forced to the bathroom once or twice per hour from 0300 to 1400 by it.
So I was told to go to the doc. Yay, salvation. My date was at 1100. I arrived 4 minutes late - because my stomach decided, it'd have another go at me - and when I got there, I was told the doc had "just left". What the...!?
I got hold of some drugs - the kind that you usually only get from the doc - and about 2 hours after taking it the first time, it finally started to work and my stomach only felt sick, but didn't show it anymore. Now I'm left to wonder why it started to rebel in the first place.
And as if that wasn't bad enough, I missed the day we went out to do some serious shooting. *sigh*

What a day...

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Alcohol, anyone?!
Heh. Last night was a good night: couple of mates and I went out to a bar we wanted to try and found ourselves confronted with pretty neat (=low) prices for both food and drinks.
I ended up with a Gin-Tonic for starters and 3 Caipirinha - got myself pretty much wasted, hehe...

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Training? Indeed!
It's been quite some training, yesterday: a total of 15 hours out in the woods - and believe me, I was glad we didn't have any heavy weapons to carry! - and to completely finish us off, we had to do an orientation march of about 10 kilometers under 100% battle conditions. Yay, now that was fun!
I think I've not had such a lovely day in ages (well, in about 3 months, to be honest) and it was great to be outside all day long. Now if I imagine that I'll be having a lot of these days once I'm with the parachuters -- sweet heavens! \o/

Monday, March 10, 2003

Skydivin' ahoy!
Raaah! Guess what's been in the mail today?! Right, it was the long-awaited note, that I'll be transferred to the parachuting unit!
Finally I have the approval and allowance to jump out of fully intact airplanes! Yadda yadda! Freefall, here I come...

Sunday, March 09, 2003

Gin-tonic, yumm!
Oi! So I got myself wasted last night - and I don't even have a hangover today; it's a "pity" since I half-way expected to feel seriously bad today. It's got to be the weather: who'd want to have a headache like evil incarnate when the sun's shining and when it's warm outside?! ;p

I've been learning a lot about the wonderful concept of communication: mainly that "to communicate" does not necessarily mean "to understand each other" but more likely means "to misunderstand each other". Or maybe that's just a thing of personal involvement with the topic at hand (and I don't exclude myself here, lads!)? I can only guess...

Saturday, March 08, 2003

The way of words... (Re: Decisions, decisions...)
Hmm. It seems someone took yesterday's post a bit too personal. I'd like to officially say sorry if it was such a misleading post - which obviously and admittably is a matter of fact...
I'm not going to let this turn into a sticky mud-fight, and even less into one fought on the internet. I didn't intend to offend you (you know who you are). And clearly, given our good and long friendship I have no interest in leaving you hung out to dry...

It was a fake!!
So I'm still here. Obviously, "The Ring" is a hoax. Not that I seriously believed I'd die after seeing a weird movie, but at least it would have been a "fun" way to die, if you know what I mean.
I've decided to start a new blog as a platform for my political comments, especially those regarding Mr Bush. You can find it by clicking here or by following the link on the left side labelled "Dear George..."

Friday, March 07, 2003

Decisions, decisions...
So, after a delicious salad and a gin-tonic, I have decided that I'll turn my back on the world of women. It's easier without them, and it makes finding excuses why you're feeling bad rather hard - especially since you always end up right in your own face.
So. Good-bye to all those good-looking, yet ignorant women out there, I'm a goner, you all had your chances - you didn't take 'em, don't blame me...

Thursday, March 06, 2003

2 more days
Today when I woke up, I rememberred that I saw "The Ring" last Saturday. Felt a bit eerie to wake with that thought, even more so because I rememberred that right after this creepy video is shown in full length for the first time, my mobile started to buzz wildly and I had a call from "Caller ID unknown"... *shiver* :)
I guess that makes it 2 more days for me...

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

What is the problem then?
I promised her to be there whenever she needs me.
"Rather simple", I hear you say. "Break the promise, if you can't stand it anymore" I hear you say. "She's got her boyfriend to take care of her now" I hear you say.
Why promise something in the first place then? Why not just say "as long as there's nobody else, I'll deal with you"?
Because that is just not how you treat friends, right?!

A friend of mine is of the opinion, that such a promise is like a treaty; and since she has someone else, who is well capable of taking care of her, since now I could maybe do better with a bit more distance, the treaty needs a work-over. So the problem now is: are both of us rational people who can not only understand, but also accept this way of thinking and actually live it?
I don't think so; and that's the problem.
Or is it?

Monday, March 03, 2003

A lesson in history?
I don't believe it! So there's this guy in the bus back to army base, and he keeps telling me that the German Wehrmacht and the SS didn't commit crimes against humanity!
C'mon!! How much can you ignore facts without being labelleled as mentally disordered?? For sake, that's about the most shocking and disappointing thought, that there's still young people around who believe such bullshit! What a sad day...

That's it for today, and in fact for the next 36-48 hours, as I'll be travelling back to army base and "doing my duty" there until my next free shift.
Spent the rest of my sleepless morning setting up a few details - ICQ, mainly; it took me ages to find the sourcecode - and now I'll pack my things and leave you lads'n'ladies alone for a bit.
Greetings to Annie, who was nice enough to help me through the night and keep my mood at bay!

The joy of sleep
So, here I am, no sleep since yesterday, 0819 in the morning, and tonight I'll work night-shift. A total of 360 minutes travel-time awaiting me and no books to read on the train.
Sounds great, yay, excitement extreme!
Or maybe not...

Setting up this thing is painful
It only took me a total of about 12 hours to get this thing here running! I'm seriously impressed!
Cryptic error messages, a hunt through my IE scripting settings and the patience of a good friend (mood backup) helped me with getting through this quest. A proper manual, FAQ or a staff that actually answers emails would be a better help, but hey, who am I to complain, after all it does work in the end, right?!