Chronical spontanious nose-bleeding
Yesterday afternoon, my nose started to bleed like mad all of a sudden while I was happily chatting away on IRC. Annoying as that might be, I've grown kind of used to it; it happened before, every other 4-5 months or so, and then it was all fine again.
Not this time, though. I've had my nose going wild on me every couple of hours since yesterday afternoon. My sheets look like someone had been slowly tortured and then killed in a most gruesome way in them. I've hardly slept, my legs feel like jelly due to the bloodloss and I look like a walking corpse, fresh from the morgue.
So I went to the doctor this morning; you'd think they'd be able to help or at least have an idea what the hell is wrong, where it comes from and what can be done against it. Bad luck on that front too. Doc's dazzled, told me not to take any aspirin against possible headache and to drink a lot to counter the bloodloss.
First thing that happened when I had just gotten out of the bus: my nose makes this funny *pft* sound (a bit like a fresh bottle of soda, just silenced down a lot) and starts bleeding again.
It's weird to have about 10 people walk by, look at you in shock and horror but not one of them asking what's wrong and if they could possibly help.
Well, now I've been home for almost an hour and breathing through the nose is getting easier again. I'll give myself another hour, maybe an hour and a half before it starts over again.